FREE Website Traffic System
jack mclaughlin, your CyberWheelers Referrer! "Emailing safelists for web traffic is easy and effective!"
- jack mclaughlin

Join CyberWheelers downline builder here!

Join Manual Surf Traffic Exchange FREE!

Credit-Based Safelist Mailers

1) Save yourself some time. Only use a gmail email address to join safelist mailers. Choose which one of the three sets of CyberWheelers safelist mailers below to earn ad sending credits on today.

2) Safelist mailers are a bit different than traffic exchanges to earn credits. I suggest you spend 5 to 15 minutes earning credits on each one of 10 mailers for the day and set a goal of how many credits you want to earn. IE; 500 credits, then move on to the next one!

3) Without any hype, if in the next couple of hours you join and claim the free credits and send out an email, you will total over 40,000 emails sent within the programs below. You will get results since ads go out to multiple databases. One email to one 100K+ database won't do as well as this page here!

1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30

1. Join 1Goldmine EARN SEND
2. Join ProfitsLion EARN SEND
3. Join ListSurfing EARN SEND
4. Join 1ProfitRing EARN SEND
6. Join MailOurList EARN SEND
7. Join Email-Hog EARN SEND
8. Join TheLeadMagnet EARN SEND
9. Join ListAvail EARN SEND
10. Join Trafficleads2IncomeVM EARN SEND

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11. Join Pangea EARN SEND
12. Join HotSpotMailer EARN SEND
13. Join Adchiever EARN SEND
14. Join ListJumper EARN SEND
15. Join Blaster EARN SEND
16. Join MyInstantList EARN SEND
17. Join ResponsiveEmailMarketing EARN SEND
18. Join SafelistExtreme EARN SEND
19. Join ListAdventure EARN SEND
20. Join ViralAdMagnet EARN SEND

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If your budget allows, I recommend purchasing extra credits in these mailers to magnify your results. These tend to be more responsive that traffic exchanges in general.

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© 2019 | Manual Surf Traffic Exchange & Safelist Mailer Downline Builder